V.13.2019 - Reality Bites
“Few people have the imagination for reality.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goeth
I haven’t posted a blog for several weeks. Life got in the way. My partner and I decided that it was time to deal with the reality that our grandchildren need us to be available “on demand” versus by appointment. And, with pragmatic analysis, the 407ETR was taking a toll on our time, credit card and cars. Life is change. There was a movie that dropped in 1994 called, Reality Bites, about Gen X “kids” graduating from their teens, college experience and relationships into, well, the unknown with only their choices as a reference point. Today, our young people in the same circumstances as the actors in the 25 year-old movie are taking courses in “adulting.”
So, getting back to my delayed blog schedule, we moved 65.98 km to be in a much larger, newer house and now my commute to the office has added an hour to the previous 20 minutes. This move imposed change at the same time that it was better planned than the D-Day landing in WW II. I should be blogging on the GO Train but I’m still trying to figure out the most efficient way to get to the station from our new house. Once I’m on the train, I have feelings similar to what you see when a running back spikes the ball in the end zone and I need to let the adrenaline rush settle before I show up.
I rode my bike to Lake Ontario this morning to access the Waterfront Trail. The Trail is an amazing accomplishment of local governments to connect all points from the Québec border at Cornwall, Ontario to Niagara-on-the-Lake. Change is life’s mandate and, sometimes, it can make me very happy and humble.
Johann Wolfgang von Goeth (1749-1832) said it well, “Few people have the imagination for reality.”